Introducing the blog --- Anime & recommendations


Hi everybody!!!

I have decided create this entry to introduce the blog a bit, so let's proceed to talk about it.

What is the blog about?

I have decided to create this blog to recommend some anime to people who are starting in this world, at the moment we only talk about anime, but in the future I will also talk about manga, novels and video games.

I don't like anime on your lists  

The first thing I have to clarify on the subject is that the lists are made according to the animes that I have seen and my personal opinions, if you have any anime that you think should be on one of the lists, you go to said list and it you leave in your comments, and I will update it as I see it.

How do I see the animes that appear on the charts?
To see any of these animes, all you have to do is go to one of the pages where anime is available (it appears in its file), and look for it there, if you don't want to see ads or pay, you can go to another of the pages indicated on this tab.

And this has been all for the introduction, if there are any other questions put them in the comments and I will answer them one by one.

Greetings and here I say goodbye...
